Scottish Staycation – Sea or Mountains?

To be honest, we hadn’t actually planned, let alone booked a summer holiday away before lockdown occurred, so didn’t have the disappointment of cancellations and refunds. As a child of the ’70s, in Scotland, I grew up with Easter and summer holidays, in Scotland. Not...
Thoughts on the Exam Results Chaos

Thoughts on the Exam Results Chaos

Predictable? Unfathomable? Unbelievable? General incompetence seems to be the watchword. I thought writing a blog about the general state of exam results in Edinburgh’s schools would be relatively easy. That was until Covid-19 caused the closure of schools and...

Edinburgh Property Market is Open – and Flying off the Shelf!

The market is booming up here – as hot as it has been known. We all knew that the lockdown would have a knock-on effect, but Edinburgh has exploded out the blocks. The question is, is this a long-lasting trend, or just the pent-up demand created by a total shut down...