General Data Protection Regulation & Privacy Policy



Caroline Lindsay is the owner of The Next Chapter and is a sole trader.  Caroline is the person responsible for keeping your information safe and secure, giving you access to it if you need it, and disposing of your information if you ask or when a reasonable time period has elapsed. If you have any questions about this General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and Privacy Policy you can contact us at

Why do we have a privacy policy?

The Next Chapter is committed to providing privacy for our clients. We want to provide a safe and secure experience hence are committed to only using client data as set out in this policy. Please be assured that we will not sell or share any information about you with any third parties without your consent, or unless we are required to do so by law.

What personal data do we collect?

Personal data means any information capable of identifying an individual.

This includes data collected from clients whom we work with or have worked with in their homes, on a one to one basis. These clients have initiated contact with The Next Chapter via telephone, email, or another social media platform and have agreed to work together. It may also include prospective clients, who have initiated contact with us but who have not yet made any specific appointments.

The personal data that we collect and store about you includes:

  • your full name, (and any other nominated person) • your telephone number(s), • your physical address(es), • your email address(es), • Skype or Zoom name • any other online identities that you wish to share • information about why you require our help.

Personal information may be given by a source close to the client, for example a family member. If this is the case, ID or Power of Attorney will be asked for and check to verify the relationship to the client.

What is the legal basis for processing data?

We collect data on the legal basis of consent. Initially this will be collected and processed via email or telephone conversations OR during the initial face-to-face consultation. Any further data collected will be for the purpose of helping you with organising your administration at your current or future address, and will only be collected with your signed consent. Any testimonials or featured customer stories you have given us permission to use, would also be under signed consent.

All the personal information that you provide to us is held on our secure software which is provided and supported by a third party. We endeavour to ensure that your personal information is maintained and updated correctly. It is your duty to inform us of any changes to your personal information to ensure that it is up to date.

How do I get a copy of the information you hold on me?

As set out in the Data Protection Act and General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), you have the right to request a copy of the personal information we hold about you and to correct any inaccuracies.

How do I opt out of you keeping my data on your secure database?

If you do not want us to use your information in future, wish to know what information we keep of yours, or want to request that we delete or amend information from our database, please write to us confirming your requirements at It is your right to ask us to delete any of your data at any point.

How long will you keep my data?

The GDPR requires that personal data be held only for a reasonable amount of time. If we have worked together, we will hold your personal data for 12 months after our last communication, after which we will consider you a ‘past client’, and then will dispose of all of your personal data. If you wish to work with us again after this, you may contact us and we will resume our working relationship. We will re-collect the relevant personal data from you at this time.

GDPR compliance of staff members

Caroline Lindsay is a sole trader and has trained contractors to work as part of the team at The Next Chapter. As part of the training plan for contractors, they are made fully aware of GDPR and can act in compliance with the regulations. Any data that contractors collect from clients is inputted into the secure software and any paper subsequently shredded.

Questions or complaints.

If you have any queries about our privacy policy, please get in touch via email at or through the ICO.