About our Director

Born and brought up in Edinburgh, Caroline has been married to a soldier for 25 years and in that period has moved 17 times.
Each house has been a different size, shape and design, so she has become an expert at adapting to new situations and re-establishing the essence of their home and home life in a new location and environment.
She has experienced the stress of moving at short notice and having to find schools and nurseries, moving countries at a time of bereavement, moving from a safe and happy environment to an unknown area, moving whilst pregnant, moving during Covid…the list goes on!
“We are finally back in Edinburgh (again) and love the diversity and opportunities this brings. It is because of the life we have led, that I have the expertise not only to both assist and reassure others who are looking to move home, but also the local knowledge to help them find their feet and enjoy this wonderful city.”
Client Testimonial
‘After 42 years in our family home, I downsized last year. Caroline was a godsend. She is calm, efficient and reassuring.
She understood the need to keep certain precious items, but at the same time was firm over the need to declutter – saving me time and money! Her preparation and organization ensured that my move went incredibly smoothly, and relatively stress free. I don’t know how I would have done it without her help.’