Family and friends can help organise your paperwork, but professional help means you can be ready to go.

So my daughter asked me yesterday for our home addresses over the last 5 years. In the process of sending them, I discovered we have moved 5 times in the last 5 years! It’s amazing what you crack on through without really realising. 

Remember those terribly smug pupils at school who were always asking for more paper in exams because they had so much knowledge to put down! Well as a family we are perversely/inversely similar in our form filling – always hoping we can squeeze it in, but wracking brains to remember postcodes 4 houses ago, praying there are enough boxes to take all the information.  I always think the people reading them will think we are terribly dodgy, this forever moving. I feel like writing ARMY in big red letters over everything!!

Which (2019) publishes a guide of over THIRTY ORGANISATIONS that may need to be contacted about a house move, ranging from the DVLA, HMRC and electoral roll, to your banks and pension provider, doctor, dentist and the vet for the dog! As well as, of course, all your utilities companies and personal contacts…

So imagine the constant admin of all this, or the collation of paperwork if you haven’t done any of this for 20/30/40 years. Its’ a whole lot easier to move if you are organised, streamlined and ready to go. Family and friends can provide an extra pair of hands, but professional assistance can help ensure that all the administrative tasks are taken care of.

That’s where I come in!


If you are thinking of a move, or even just want to create a more organised home, Contact me for an initial informal chat.

(Image by Crista Dodoo, Unsplash)