Welcome to the Next Chapter Moving!

I thought it fitting to start the first blog on Decluttering since we have just spent the last 2 days sorting out the house after an extended festive period. Hogmanay in Scotland is fantastic, but it does create a second wave of mayhem!

January generally tends to be the busiest time of year for decluttering – all those New Year resolutions of being more organised, getting your life in order and desperately looking for gym kit to start on the new fitness (post mince pies) regime. We all need to clear away the debris of Christmas, but why not have a look at other ‘stuff’ that has not been used in the last year or so.

These new resolutions also coincide with a resumption in interest in the housing market. After a lull over the Festive season, and with Spring on the horizon, now is the time to look seriously at the unnecessary clutter in your house if you are looking to present it in the most favourable light to prospective buyers.

So if you are moving house or just getting a bit of order back in your life, as a short prompt to get you thinking about what you want to keep or get rid of, I am going to suggest 3 main categories for you to mentally if not physically put your belongings into.

Useful – do you use regularly or seasonally? Or is it one of many that languish at the bottom of the cupboard. Is it part of the ‘when I’ve lost that weight’ category?

Beautiful – would you buy it again tomorrow, or do you look at it and curse that kind old generous Aunt?!

Sentimental – does it have a story to tell? Do you have to keep it or would someone else love to have it to show their children and friends.

If you feel you would like some extra help either with your declutter or your house move, then The Next Chapter Moving could be your answer. Find out more about me and my services here

